Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Tips for Transitioning to Going Meatless

Like I said in a previous post, vegetarianism isn't for everyone. But if you are trying to cut back on meat, or wanting to eventually become a full vegetarian, here are some of my top tips.

1. Take it slow

Some people have a difficult time going cold-turkey (no pun intended) with giving up meat, so I definitely suggest taking it very slowly. If you are really determined to cut out meat, then go for it. But if you're not too committed quite yet, take it slow. For example, try giving up red-meat at first. I actually did this about two months before I decided to give up all meat, and I think it helped a lot with my transition. If you can handle this, then transition into giving up chicken, or turkey. Take it one meat at a time until you've completely eliminated all meats. 

2. Meatless Monday

Pick one day of the week to go completely meatless. This is actually a world-wide campaign that is trying to encourage people to go meatless on every Monday. My university is also encouraging this way of eating by providing more meat alternatives in dining halls on Monday. This is great way to try new foods, or just experience a day without meat. Also, it you've got one day down, switch to two days, then three....


3. Pick a meat alternative

When I first became interested in becoming vegetarian, I was determined to try tofu. Once I tried it, and found all different recipes that used tofu instead of meat, I knew becoming vegetarian wasn't going to be all that difficult. I highly suggest trying different meat alternatives, or different protein sources that you can add into your diet. This can be before or after becoming meatless, but just trying different alternatives can be a great motivation to your journey. I don't really encourage a lot of cheap versions of "fake meat" just because of all the chemicals and preservatives in them, but definitely check out products that have few ingredients, organic, or have vegetable based proteins. The best meat alternatives I recommend are things like tofu, beans, edamame, nuts, eggs, yogurt, and mushrooms.

(this was from the very first time I made tofu!)

4. Eat vegetarian at restaurants

Eating vegetarian at restaurants can be a great way to cut back on meat, and also avoid the possibility of getting food poisoning (because restaurants is where it happens). By going meatless at restaurants, you can avoid cheaply, inhumanely produced meats. Also, eating meatless can often be much cheaper. Ask about vegetarian options, or look at the menu before hand to find options that are meatless. There are so many delicious meat free options at restaurants, so check them out! Most of the time, the meals with meat are usually higher in fat, calories, and sodium, so you'll almost always be doing yourself a favor by choosing meatless options at restaurants. Order beans instead of beef at your favorite Mexican restaurant, or order a salad with nuts and eggs instead of meat. Small steps like this is a great start to your vegetarian journey.

                        (vegetarian at Panera)

(vegetarian at Jimmy Johns)

5. Do your research

Becoming vegetarian can be dangerous if you're completely clueless about certain nutritional information. There are some vitamins/nutrients that you can't get from meat, and replacing those nutrients with plant based nutrients is important. Find out the best meat alternatives, or high protein vegetables, or even recipes/restaurants that are vegetarian. Become best friends with google! Before going vegetarian, I became best friends with google, making sure that I wasn't missing out on any nutrients. I even got my blood checked to make sure that all my levels were good (which they were!). Nutrients like iron, B12, selenium, and zinc are sometimes hard to get enough of on a vegetarian diet, but just find out foods that are rich in these and eat up!

6. Get connected

It is super important to find people that share similar ideas and diets. Find other vegetarians that can help you with your transition, or your journey to becoming vegetarian. Being vegetarian is definitely becoming more "popular" so it's pretty easy to find other veg heads. I know that every time I meet a vegetarian, there is always so much to talk about, because of our similar diets and struggles. Also, it's great to share advice, and tips with each other. Even if you're not wanting to go completely meatless, its' still great to have someone that is a vegetarian to help you with that as well. Most vegetarians would be happy to talk to anyone with questions about this lifestyle, or at least I know I would talk for hours about it if I could!

So those are my top six tips to transitioning to becoming meatless. I hope you find it helpful, and also motivational! Becoming meatless is something that you have to really want to do, but taking small steps into this way of eating definitely makes it a lot easier.

Also, any questions/support you may have or need just let me know either in the comments below, through Facebook, or email (simplyknitted00@gmail.com). I'll be happy to answer as many as I can!

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