Monday, August 4, 2014

Things I Loved In July

Rice Cakes:

This month I haven't been able to get enough rice cakes! They are so delicious, and I love how they only have ONE ingredient: rice! I've been getting the Full Circle Organic Rice Cakes (unsalted) and have been either just eating them plain, crumbling them up to put onto of things, or smashing a banana ontop. They are such a good base for just about anything; jam, fruit, hummus, or nut butter.

Asian Food:

At the beginning of the month my mom and I took a trip to the Grand Asian Market in Cary and I fell in love! I had never really enjoyed Asian cuisine, but once I had the "proper" ingredients I've really enjoyed incorporating Asian foods into my diet. I've been making sushi (without the fish) every so often, and also made a really delicious miso soup. The Grand Asian Market also had a really good selection of teas, so I've really been enjoying those as well (especially chamomile green tea).



Frozen Grapes:

I've been loving cold treats all this month, to stay cool, and frozen green grapes have been my favorite! All I do is rinse the grapes off and de-stem them and then put them in a jar and stick them in the freezer overnight. They are the perfect sweet, cold treat to suck on and enjoy throughout the day!

French Pressed Coffee:

I don't know why it's taken me so long to realize how amazing a french press is, but this month I came to that realization. French pressed coffee is so much better than drip coffee, it is so much richer and creamier. Also, it doesn't take up as much room/energy as a bulky coffee maker does.

Master Chef:

I've always enjoyed watching Master Chef, it's so entertaining and I love trying to create recipes in my mind from the ingredients the contestants are given in the show. It's definitely been one of my favorite TV shows this summer.

"The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick":

This was the book that I read this month, and I found it so interesting as well as useful. It's an easy read and is fascinating to read about other people's regimens of how they stay healthy. Definitely a book to check out!

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