Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Things I Loved In June

June flew by so fast, but it brought many new favorites that I want to share with you! This month was mostly spent at school and spending time with family. Can't believe it's over, I'm but excited for July!

So here are some things that I've been loving in June:

  • Glass straws
I had alway thought about getting/using glass straws because I think they are so useful and environmental-friendly. I bought two from ManyMinis's store on Etsy, they were fairly cheap and I just love them! I love how they are reusable and are made out of something other than plastic.

  • Cold Brewed Tea/Green Tea
Because it's been so hot, drinking hot tea is not very enjoyable. So I've been putting two green tea bags in a large mason jar full of water and letting it steep overnight. I love drinking it throughout the day, it's so refreshing and green tea is so good for you!

I've also been loving these two types of green tea, Bigelow's Green Tea with Lemon and Target's Lemon Ginger Green Tea, they are both delicious! 

  • Quinoa
I had never really gotten into eating quinoa until this month. We made some in class one day, and ever since then I can't stop eating it, it is so good with just about everything! I buy it in bulk, and that seems to be the cheapest way to purchase it. Throw it in salads, or use it instead of oatmeal, or as a base for a mexican dish (instead of rice). Yummmm!

  • RAW Apple Cider Vinegar
I have always loved apple cider vinegar because of all the amazing health benefits, but I feel like this month I loved it even more! At the beginning of the month I got some BRAGG raw ACV and have almost hit the bottom of it. I try to take a shot of it everyday, or use it on a salad.

If you want to try a shot of ACV, make sure it is raw and you take about two tablespoons, also following it by something sweet, like juice is definitely recommended! 

  • Not using the microwave
This month, I've tried to spend more time preparing food, and not "giving into" convenience  so I've been trying to not use the microwave as much as I can. This is definitely a challenge, but it makes me put more time and love into whatever I'm cooking, it also helps me to "get back to the basics." In doing this, I've been loving a stovetop tea pot to heat water for tea or anything else I need hot water for. 

  • Farmer's Market
My local farmer's market has been in full swing this month, and I've been loving it! Every Saturday morning I go and get as much produce as I can to use for the week. My favorites have been kale, berries, tomatoes, potatoes, and cabbage.

  • Dr. Bronner's Soap
In June, I've also been trying to use more natural skin care products, and this is one that I've fallen in love with! Dr. Bronner's "Magical Soap" can be used for just about anything, from washing your hair to washing your dishes or clothes. Trader Joe's sells it for a great price, so I've been using that almost everyday this month. 

  • Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is an amazing completely natural moisturizer. It is pretty cheap and you only need a tiny bit on you lips, legs, or even hair. 

  • My Beef With Meat by Rip Esselstyn
I am not a huge reader, but have been trying to read more this month. While on vacation, I read this book and absolutely loved it! I definitely recommend it to anyone that is considering giving up animal products, or someone that is trying/wanting to eat a more plant-based diet. It is a very eye-opening book that really makes you re-think what you're eating.

  • Forks Over Knives
If you love documentaries as much as me, then you should check this one out. I would definitely say that this documentary is so powerful and one of the best I've ever seen. It is on Netflix, and it is filled with information regarding the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. It discusses The China Study which is one of the most comprehensive studies of nutrition ever conducted and is filled with information and also the results from the study. 

  • Culinary School
June was mostly spent at school, and that is totally fine with me! I've been doing a summer program that will certify me as a Natural Chef, and its been so much fun! We've been learning not only basic cooking skills, but also using a holistic approach to food as well as using local ingredients. If you want to read more about the program check out this link


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